Omega 3 .. Good nutrition for good health
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9 Jul 2022
Omega 3 .. Good nutrition for good health

Omega 3 .. Good nutrition for good health
What is Omega 3? Many people have heard of Omega 3, especially Omega 3 from deep sea fish such as salmon but where else can we find Omega 3?
Omega 3 is a collection of polyunsaturated non saturated fatty acids. Omega 3 found in deep sea fish, other sea fish and some Thai freshwater fish are EPA and DHA. Omega 3 can also be found in plants such as green leafy vegetables, broccoli, walnuts, and soybean including soybean oil. Omega 3 found in plants are alpha linolenic acid or α- LNA or ALA. They are essential fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body. However, the body can convert α- LNA into EPA and DHA.
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A healthy balance of Omega 3 fatty acid helps the body to function properly. Omega 3 has a number of health benefits.

The Centre for Integrative Medicine, a research institute in the United States, suggested that the minimum intake of α –LNA from plants should be 2,220 milligrams per day. The minimum intake of EPA and DHA from sea fish should be 220 milligrams per day or 2-3 servings of sea fish per week. (Reference : AHA Scientific Statement: Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease, #71-0241 Circulation. 2002;106: 2747 – 2757)
What is Omega 3? Many people have heard of Omega 3, especially Omega 3 from deep sea fish such as salmon but where else can we find Omega 3?
Omega 3 is a collection of polyunsaturated non saturated fatty acids. Omega 3 found in deep sea fish, other sea fish and some Thai freshwater fish are EPA and DHA. Omega 3 can also be found in plants such as green leafy vegetables, broccoli, walnuts, and soybean including soybean oil. Omega 3 found in plants are alpha linolenic acid or α- LNA or ALA. They are essential fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body. However, the body can convert α- LNA into EPA and DHA.
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A healthy balance of Omega 3 fatty acid helps the body to function properly. Omega 3 has a number of health benefits.

- Omega 3 plays a crucial role in the formation of cell membranes throughout the body. It is beneficial to the nerve and eye system.
- Omega 3 helps improve the brain functioning in learning and memorizing.
- Omega 3 helps to lower the levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. It is integral for the production of hormones and it leads to a significant reduction in asthma symptoms and the body's inflammatory response.
- Omega 3 helps reduce blood clots that can lead to heart
The Centre for Integrative Medicine, a research institute in the United States, suggested that the minimum intake of α –LNA from plants should be 2,220 milligrams per day. The minimum intake of EPA and DHA from sea fish should be 220 milligrams per day or 2-3 servings of sea fish per week. (Reference : AHA Scientific Statement: Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease, #71-0241 Circulation. 2002;106: 2747 – 2757)